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Excellent Eagles/Pre - school,  in Clifton, Bristol

Our Eagles are learning lots of new skills to help them become independent, happy individuals. Their communication and language is really progressing, and we will be helping with social skills that they will need for 



Excellent services


They will learn through play how to share and socialise with other 

children and adults. We always encourage positive behaviour and

praise the children to encourage this. We will emphasise the

importance of communication and language in our literacy area with

games, mark making, singing and rhyming. We use Makaton at

group time, this is simple sign language that aids communication. 

We have a mathematics area, with shapes, magnets and science 

activities children can access these area at all times. 

The children have group time where they are encouraged to talk to 

each other about their experiences, they can bring in an item from

home for show and tell. 

We use this time to talk about days of the week, the weather, 

seasons etc. We like to talk about the wider world around them and

we promote the health of the planet with classroom re-cycling and

discussions about the environment. To keep the children healthy we

have a daily fitness routine, called The Morning Shake, the children

keep fit to music and it wakes them up ready for their day. 

The Eagles spend the day free-flowing from the inside to the 

outside so they can choose were they would like to play, we have lots of natural resources for them to get the imagination flowing. They have a play room and a messy/art room to choose from and the two gardens.

Arrange a visit to our nursery in Clifton, Bristol to see our facilities and meet our team. 


Call 0117 974 1550 or 07930197305


The outside area

The outside area is two areas a turfed area and the nature garden, 

they can explore both areas in different ways. The turfed side has a fairy 

house and rain shelter with water pumps and soft play, the nature garden is full of insect attracting plants, and open ended resources, they have a mud kitchen and water play and sometimes we have chickens for them to collect the eggs. We have story time outside with a little camp fire on cold days and we let the children explore the garden in the way that they wish. 

Eagles also have cookery club where they cook the lunch for the 

other children on occasion, they have multicultural weeks and science and 

nature weeks.

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